We need to have a jounin exam, too many weak chuunins riding on our rank. We need to be seperated from the weaker chuunins, even if we dont pass the exams, because they didn't even have to train as hard as we did to keep up with eachother, they just got all the stats, 10k Hp, and decided to do the chuunins. REally all you have to do is pass forest of death and NOT spam a move/use one hitters/uber moves. You'll almost guarenteely get Chuunin, which is why we need a jounin exam.
btw, coolly said that "Only me, hikaro and crystal know what the jounins are" and laughed saying I wont pass it and he knows why... First off, how would he and crystal know? And I doubt hikaro told them, even though when I told coolly that You said who ever leeks out the jounin exam events will be stripped of power/rank he got scared and doubt you said that... So how does he know?
as to what i assume is your signature, kai talked with the kage's and quite likely hikaro as well if they got online at the same time, or he got in touch some other way... and were all forbidden to talk about the jounin exams O.o coolly doesnt know about em ergo :O
as to your other post... genin is no skill, chuunin is little skill, jounin is good skill, anbu is best skill :P at least as i understand it... kage is outside of that i think, though really were supposed to be the best, or among the best at least... but their more the 'leader' than anything else :o so dont worry so much about how many people are getting chuunin... if your gonna complain, do so when the people who truly deserve chuunin rank attain jounin or even anbu rank :P though jounin would be with all the kage, and anbu would be with your kage alone, since anbu rank is a village thing...